Professor Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences University of Potsdam, Germany
Prof. Viktor Jakupec is hon. professor of education (Arbeitslehre), Faculty of Economics and Social sciences at University of Potsdam, Germany, and member of the Leibnitz Sozietät-Berlin. He held academic appointments at a number of Australian universities and worked as consultant for Asian Development Bank, International Finance Corporation and the World Bank funded development projects in Asia and the Middle East. His research interests include social sector political economy analysis and impact assessment methods for aid development and sustainability. He teaches research methodologies and methods, and curriculum development and implementation in developing and developed countries and has authored a number of scholarly books, book chapters and articles in scholarly journals.
Publications (Selected)
Jakupec, V. (2013). 7 Reforming distance education through economic rationalism. Opening Education: Policies and Practices from Open and Distance Education, 77.
Meier, B., & Jakupec, V. Inhalte zeitgemäßen Technikunterrichts-Strukturierung und Präzisierung. Inhalte zeitgemäßen Technikunterrichts Strukturierung und Präzisierung, 16.
Kirkpatrick, D., & Jakupec, V. (2002). 5 Becoming flexible: what does it mean?.The convergence of distance and conventional education: Patterns of flexibility for the individual learner, 51.
Jakupec, V., & Usher, R. (Eds.). (2002). Policy Matters: Flexible Learning and Organisational Change. Routledge.
Jakupec, V. (2001). Review: Studying in Australia: A Guide for International Students: A Guide for International Students. Australian Journal of Career Development, 10(3), 37-38.
Jakupec, V. (2001). Special Issue on APEC and e-Education: Knowledge Economy, E-Learning and Higher Education in APEC Countries; Narrowing the Gap between Developed and Developing Economies. Journal of APEC Studies,3(1), 21-41.
Viktor, J. (2001). Knowledge economy, e-learning and higher education in APEC countries.
Garrick, J., & Jakupec, V. (2000). Flexible learning, work and human resource development. Flexible learning, human resource development and organizational development, 1-89.
Jakupec, V. (2000). The politics of flexible learning. Opportunities and challenges in a globalised world. Flexible Learning, Human Resource Development and Organisational Development, Routledge, London, 67-84.
Jakupec, V., & Garrick, J. (2000). Flexible Learning, Human Resource and Organisational Development. Paperback.
Garrick, J., & Jakupec, V. (2000). 15 Flexible learning and the construction of'working knowledge'. Flexible Learning, Human Resource, and Organisational Development: Putting Theory to Work, 259.
Garrick, J., & Jakupec, V. (Eds.). (1999). Flexible learning, human resource and organisational development: putting theory to work. Routledge.
Jakupec, V. (1999). 5 The politics of flexible learning. Flexible Learning, Human Resource and Organisational Development: Putting Theory to Work, 67.
Jakupec, V., & Yoon, H. Y. (1999, September). Flexible Learning and Globalisation: Knowledge Transfer as Democratisation or Colonisation. In The Cambridge International Conference on Open and Distance Learning (p. 44).
Designing and Delivering Open Learning, Subject Number 015069: Bachelor of Education in Adult Education: Study Guide. University of Technology, Sydney, School of Adult Education, 1998.
Flexible, Open and Distance Learning, 013322: Master of Education in Adult Education. Faculty of Education, University of Technology, Sydney, 1998.
Evans, T. D., Jakupec, V., & Thompson, D. (Eds.). (1997). Research in Distance Education, 4: Revised Papers from the Fourth Research in Distance Education Conference, Deakin University, 1996. Daekin University Press.
Jakupec, V., & McTaggart, R. (1997). Off-campus study meets entrepreneurialism: devolution or diminution?. Journal of Vocational Education and Training, 49(1), 141-165.
Evans, T., & Jakupec, V. (1996). Research ethics in open and distance education: Context, principles and issues. Distance education, 17(1), 72-94.
Jakupec, V., & McTaggart, R. (1996). Commercialisation and Flexible Delivery: Access in Vocational Education and Training. Deakin Centre for Education and Change, Faculty of Education, Deakin University, Geelong 3217, Victoria, Australia.
Jakupec, V. (1996). 7 Reformlng distance education through. Opening Education: Policies and Practices from Open and Distance Education, 77.
Jakupec, V., & Nicoll, K. (1994). Open learning: Politics or pedagogy?. Distance Education, 15(2), 217-233.
Jakupec, V. (1993). Das Fernstudium in Australien: neuere Entwicklungen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Umstrukturierung des Hochschulwesens sowie neuerer bildungspolitischer Ziele der 1980er Jahre. Deakin University Press.
Jakupec, V., & Roantree, B. (1991). Impact of the Martin report on technical and further education.